Urgent livestream on Bill C-11

Genesis Week Podcast for April 30, 2022, 13:00 Eastern Al and Ian will be exploring the ramifications of Bill C-11, the “Internet Censorship Bill” being debated in parliament right now. This podcast, the productions of all Canadian content creators are at...
Vampire Bats and — Biomimetics?

Vampire Bats and — Biomimetics?

Vampire Bats and — Biomimetics? Guest article by Cowboy Bob Sorensen   Bats have been given a great deal of negative publicity, especially through media. Although they can be pests, they are beneficial. One way is by eating large numbers of insects. Don’t let the...
Is Racism in Our DNA? Guest article

Is Racism in Our DNA? Guest article

Is Racism in Our DNA? By Cowboy Bob Sorensen In late June of 2015, American President Barack Obama was interviewed and in the discussion included the murder of church people in Charleston, South Carolina. He said that “the legacy of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination...
Ptired Pterodactyl This is Genesis Week s5 ep1

Ptired Pterodactyl This is Genesis Week s5 ep1

Published on Sep 11, 2015 Home In this season 5 premiere episode, we interview Vance Nelson regarding the Black Dragon ‘pterodactyl’ Pictograph. This is Genesis Week! Random References: Death of a pterodactyl Jean-Loïc Le Quellec, Paul Bahn and Marvin Rowe...